
Sometimes it is difficult to work through a problem with a horse or within your own riding. Kim is available for evaluation, consulting, and discussion regarding rehabilitation, behavioral problems, equine emotional issues, and different options for training. Kim is happy to assist, bringing a new perspective and new ideas to current relationships. When something is not working with horses, as in life, it is so important not to try harder, but to try different. Kim can help you find different ways to see the issue and fix it. This service is available to trainers, owners, and riders, and rescues as part of the team effort to make your horsey lifestyle more enjoyable!

Each horse’s consultation consists of a full evaluation done by Kim Leonard assessing a number of factors affecting the horse’s quality of life. We look at riding and training pieces such as gaits, conformation, mental state/personality, training evaluation in hand, on the lunge, and under saddle.

Other significant issues meriting full evaluation are diet, tack fitting, PT/rehab if needed, and social needs of the horse. Generally the evaluation and discussion takes about an hour and a half for each horse.

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